Application for grinding glasses with a master for 1 person

2 490 Kč / pcs
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Glass engraving workshop for glasses made from bottles for craft enthusiasts and design lovers with the assistance of experienced a master engraver.

Detailed information

Product detailed description

Hand Glass Engraving with a Master - One-person ticket for a specific date (choose from options)

(The workshop is primarily conducted in the Czech language, but we are happy to explain everything to you individually in English.)

We would like to invite you to our studio in Vrané nad Vltavou, just a short train ride from Prague (a few minutes from Prague's Main Station). Join us in creating your very own original glassware with a master of hand engravings, either for yourself or as gifts for your family and friends.

The tradition of Czech engraved glass was ignited in the 17th century by the talented engraver Caspar Lehmann, who worked at the court of Emperor Rudolf II. Today, the art of hand engraving is promoted by our master engraver, who, among other accomplishments, has crafted collections for the British Queen and wealthy Arab sheikhs. He recently completed a gift for the Pope. "The most important thing is to find the right grip," says Jaroslav, and he looks forward to sharing it with you.

Within our workshop, even a complete beginner will experience the entire process of artistic engraving. Additionally, you'll be working with salvaged glassware from various SRNA bottles of different colors.

The workshop price includes 4 SRNA glasses (already made), participation in the master's instruction, a selection of motifs, and hands-on creation with his guidance.

You can also purchase our products on-site.

  • Vrané nad Vltavou (accessible by car or train - via Prague's Main Station, Vršovice, Kačerov, Krč, Braník, Modřany, Komořany, Zbraslav, Vrané)
  • Capacity: maximum 5 participants
  • Workshop duration: approximately 4 hours
  • Option to purchase our products on-site
  • You can reach us by train or car.
  • Please note that this is a virtual ticket for a specific date, not an open voucher. Open vouchers can be found here.
  • You will receive more information via email on the Friday before the workshop date, and we will coordinate all the details together.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

No availability left? Perhaps we can figure something out – don't hesitate to reach out to us :)

We look forward to seeing you!


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L Avatar of author | 06/12/2024
Bylo to skvělé, moc nás to bavilo, děkujeme za Vaši pohostinnost. Odvezly jsme si domů krásné skleničky a uvažujeme o dalším workshopu:-)
Š Avatar of author | 26/03/2024
Super - mohu jen doporučit :) Velmi příjemná společnost i prostředí, během několika hodin si pod vedením mistra můžete vytvořit několik svých skleniček, které mohou posloužit jako krásná připomínka hezky stráveného dopoledne, nebo i jako dárek pro blízké.
VS Avatar of author | 07/01/2024
Manžel dostal workshop jako dárek a po celém dopoledni u strojů odcházel naprosto nadšený. Celou dobu jsme byli pod vedením velice přímeného mistra, který nám vše vysvětlil a pomáhal s designem. Odnesli jsme si několik skleniček, které nejsou řemeslně na výši, ale budou nám připomínat fantastický zážitek. Doporučujeme!
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JU Avatar of author workshop - ruční vybrušování sklenic 28/11/2023 12:22
Děkuji za možnost vyzkoušet si broušení skla. Byl to opravdu nevšední zážitek, který mě nabil pozitivní energií.

SRNA is an ecological and design project that deals with the upcycling (reuse) of glass bottles. We give old glass a new life. Using traditional glassmaking methods, we transform it into our own original design. Our products are handmade, with respect for nature and with the idea of ​​sustainable development.